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You're viewing Magnant Cheat Codes

Game Name : Magnant
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2007-01-12 06:51:13
Views : 22539

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whatareyoudoingEnable All Cheats
fastdebugFast debug speed
givemepowerpleaseGive lots of Mana to your Spell casting units
givemeresourcesnowIncreases resources by +12000 sugar, +5000 wood, & +5000 plancton
normaldebugNormal debug speed
on screenReveal Map
showpathReveal Map
icantwaitsuper-fast Sugar Harvesting
speedallpleaseToggle Fast Debug Speed on/off. And if toggling it on, also gives +32000 to each of the 3 Resources
setgodmodepleaseToggle God Mode on/off
fow offTurn off the "Fog of War"
fow onTurn on the "Fog of War"

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